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End of Season Look Back 2021

Posted by Liz Farrell on
End of Season Look Back 2021


Oddly, as I write this at the turn of the year (2021 into 2022), things seem strangely calm. After 2 years of "pivoting", reacting, trying to plan, and wondering what was around the corner, there isn't much happening. Which is FANTASTIC! I'm just enjoying it while it lasts!

This past year we took much comfort in staying close to the farm. The elderberry bushes, maple trees, and other farm crops didn't change their behaviors at all. They grew, the pests and weeds came to bother them (and help them), they drank water, digested things from the soil, multiplied their cells, and so on. Not influenced at all by political arguments, human germs, or inflation.

In 2021, we launched our pure Elderberry Juice, we set up at our Farmer's Market 15 times, the local holiday market once, made new friends and customers, stayed in touch with old ones, and will likely do the same in 2022. We donated raffle prizes and auction items to local charities and non-profits. We composted much of our "waste" such as cardboard, filtering aids, all types of mulches, and the dried bits left behind from the elderberry seeds after pressing them into oil. We also made a great video about how we make organic maple syrup! It's on YouTube for you to watch.

We are so proud of the purity, quality, and ethics of our products. We stand behind everything we make and sell.

Sincerely, Liz

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  • Liz Farrell on

    Hi Susan – we do not have a farm store, but many stores in Connecticut carry our products. Visit the Shop tab on the top menu, then “Find A Retailer” for the store closest to you. Thanks!

  • Susan OLIVER on

    I live in CT. Do you have a farm store or local business that sells your products?

  • Delores Ervin on

    Hi excited to try you product. Just placed my first order. I would like the little plastic top. Old hands not as steady as use to be. Lol have blessed day!

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