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Going Organic

Posted by Liz Farrell on
Going Organic

Ever since our first batch of Elderberry Apple Syrup in early 2016, we've been working towards consistently delivering a top-notch elderberry product. Something a factory could not duplicate. Something simple, versatile, and unique. Maybe something a very determined home-cook-farmer could match, but how many of us grow elderberries, apples, and can devote time to preparing them?

Yes, we called our Elderberry Apple Shots "Syrup" at first, but quickly learned that Syrup must be a certain thickness. We didn't meet that standard, so we changed the name to "Shots."

Back then, our local, Connecticut customers could often meet us, see us face-to-face, or at least know our town. That was enough to trust our Elderberry Apple Shots would be a winner for them.

We then started incorporating organic elderberries, then organic apples. But that still didn't let us use the USDA Organic seal on the product.

The USDA Organic seal now brings a trust factor to customers farther away, who don't know us or our town. Our ingredients are Certified Organic, our method is Certified Organic, and we can now, proudly, call our Elderberry Apple Shots Certified Organic.*

A few quick facts:

- USDA Organic means Non-GMO

- The organic inspector visits every year (Baystate Organic Certifiers)

- USDA Organic means the ingredients AND the process meet National Organic Program standards

It's important to know your farmer. But when you are too far away, it's still important to trust your farmer. And check out our Certified Organic Elderberry Apple Shots and our Certified Organic Maple Syrup!


*Launching in mid-March 2020


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