FatStone Blog
Take a trip to Fat Stone Farm
Posted by Elizabeth Farrell onThe modern way to get Fat Stone Farm products involves high-speed internet connections, e-commerce transactions, and a few UPS trucks (sorry, we're not open to the public) -- but our place here in Lyme, Connecticut is founded on ancient bedrock, Native American footprints, old farm paths, and lots of heritage...

Joy of Maple
Posted by Elizabeth Farrell onThis maple season we were fortunate to have help in the sugar shack from our neighbor, and fellow sugar maker, Sam Coxe. One late night watching the sap boil into syrup, he penned the following.... A sweet treat forged from blood and sweat and tears and tree blood and...
- Tags: Maple Syrup
Making Maple Syrup is an Extreme Sport; An Antidote to Modern Living
Posted by William Farrell onBut First Let’s Be Honest About Poking Holes in Trees Someone walks up to a group of meditating maple trees and stabs one, hoping to see a watery solution trickle out. This is a very first and necessary step on the annual journey of making maple syrup. And if you...
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- Tags: Maple Syrup
A Ladies Primer to Working a Rig
Posted by Elizabeth Farrell onRig as in not a large truck, but a maple syrup evaporator. Imagine your oven, 1000° or so, 3 giant pans of liquid, and a feeder tank to watch. Then, manually operate the oven, don't burn anything, and stop in time for the feeder tank to finish -- too early and...
- Tags: Maple Syrup
Drop in the Bucket
Posted by Admin FatStoneFarm onIt seems there are two, contradictory perhaps, popular sentiments swirling around post November 2016: ONE: do small things to make great changes; TWO: get angry and make a big splash. The Queen of England's annual Christmas address, for example, was about praising ordinary people doing "extraordinary" work every day. Charity...
- Tags: Maple Syrup